SD One Health Meeting Agenda_Influenza_September 2015
Overview of the Influenza Virus_(Dr. Victor Huber)
The SD Response to Avian Influenza Response, Spring 2015_(Dr. Todd Tedrow)
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Surveillance in SD Wild Birds (Rocco Murano)
DOH Monitoring of Exposed Workers During the SD H5N2 Avian Influenza Outbreaks, 2015_(Vickie Horan)
Epidemiology of Human Influenza in SD and the US _(Vickie Horan)
Human Influenza Diagnosis and Patient Management_(Dr. Jennifer Hsu)
Influenza in Today’s Swine Operations_(Dr. Colin Kirkegaard)
Influenza D: Identification of a New Subtype and its Implications_(Dr. Natalie Thiex)